I believe in learning and then applying. I try to come up with the optimal solution, however sometimes, I need to meta-analyse if optimal solution is the one that is the best catch that I can be proud of. I think of myself as a devoted learner and performer whose first priority is always to perform as per the expectations. My leisure time is best utilised helping others; it sometimes helps me instead (https://stackoverflow.com/users/5657783/ankit-shubham). Love the concept of open source and won't miss a chance to contribute something. Currently looking for 'the next thing' and hoping that I recognise it before its too late.

Linear Regression

Linear Regression
Linear regression is a kind of supervised learning algorithm; you feed some training data to the model, the model learns the best parameters from them and then you use that model to predict some unseen data. Let us elaborate it a bit. Suppose you have an example dataset of price of houses varying according to the living area; basically a list of tu...
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