Its been forever since I wrote a blog. Yeah, I've been a bit busy. I hope I get back to writing my thoughts more often!
Spoiler Alert - Yeah, I've warned you.
I was excitedly looking forward to watching Sacred Games 2 but couldn't due to my limited time. I've read reviews about how bad the series has been and yada yada yada and how abusive the languages were. The memes on the internet talked crazily about the use of foul languages and I for one, was looking forward to it.
The season 2 as reviewed wasn't bad at all. I actually enjoyed it. It wasn't slow nor was disappointing. It was perfection in my opinion. What stood apart for me was the connection between Saif Ali Khan's character, Sartaj Singh with the terrorists, Sahid Khan!
Sartaj's mother's elder sister (phew) was kidnapped by Pakistanis during the partisan as she annoyingly (AF) ran to get to her dog while her father tried to repair their car. Moments later the elder sister who is now suffering from dementia and almost dying of old age is seen asking her terrorist son, Sahid to take her to Golden Temple as promised. Sartaj's mother on the other hand was seen with a family portrait and missing her elder sister. It was a sweet moment. Who knew Sartaj's cousin would end up being a terrorist?!
What really caught my eye was the conversation between Ganesh Gaitonde and his arch enemy, Isa over the phone. It was a friendly (well, not friendly-friendly obviously) conversation inviting Gaitonde to come over to Dubai where its hot but the meat is great. Yes, they freaking said "meat" instead of "beef". I mean, come on Netflix!! You didn't censored the abuses ranging from sister to mother to father to LGBT community but you had to censored beef? I mean what?!!!
Dear Netflix, I'm sure you know in places like Goa, Kerala and north eastern states, BJP promises not just beef but good quality beef. Heck, I have seen "beef sold here" in almost all corners of Hyderabad. Of course, its more of buff than beef. Not to forget India being the highest exporter of beef/buff. There was absolutely no reason to censored it. Besides, Isa was talking about eating beef in Dubai. Not India. Funnily enough, Isa said "meat" in English while they were conversing in Hindi.
Anyways, all in all, it was a great series. I do miss Radhika Apte. Please bring her back in the third season if there's going to be any.
PS: Please don't arrest me. I love my country, India :)