Winter holidays in Imphal, Manipur


Wow! does not describe the awesome holiday this winter has been. It breaks my heart as I depart from this place again. Wonderful people, made a few new friends, late night bonfires singing tribal songs!!, fancied a beautiful girl who already has a boyfriend and another who is single but unavailable for me, courtesy my great looks perhaps, shot dad's gun for the first time, ate many available delicious local delicacies, went driving to all the 4 corners of the state, tease some girls on the road as is the trend of the most local boys, read news about NSCN (IM) being chased away by the Sumi people which is a joy to the already joyous Christmas and a New Year and the list goes on.

Right now, I'm at the newly approved Imphal International Airport and my Air India flight has been delayed. The staff didn't bother to inform me of their delay prior to my arrival else I would be happier at home although the girls in the airport today seems like a real feast to the eyes LOL! Last night, I watched the movie "United 93", thanks to my good friend, Yaruiso who gave me a copy. It was a BAD idea LOL. For those who hasn't seen the movie, it's about the Sept 2011 attacked by the Al-Qaeda in the US soil and this particular flight crashed landed, thanks to the passengers who acted in time to save the terrorists from reaching its target which is probably the US Capitol Building. Nobody survived the incident. Hope the flight is pleasant haha.. If you are reading this, it means I made it back to Delhi haha

I would like to thank Pipi, Belakbou, Vicky, Nehemiah, Wilam, Christina, Andrew, Abang, my sis Asuang, Yaruiso, the girl in pink who must not be named, and the great church youth for the awesome December. 

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